Twee sprekers in het Royal Theater tijdens het Keith Café.

SCHUNCK to organise Keith Haring related cultural café evenings

SCHUNCK is a cultural meeting point that combines a museum, a school of music and dance and a public library. Come and look around our museum shop, browse in our reading room, or enjoy one of the best views of Heerlen with a cup of coffee in the iconic Glaspaleis. 

The four ‘café evenings’, with free admission for the general public, will be exploring more deeply the many sides of this iconic artist’s life and works by way of presentations, interviews, films, music and a poetry slam. Each Keith Café will take place at a cultural meeting point in the city. Admission is free.

Keith Café #1: Keith Haring x the artist

The first ‘café’ will be held in Royal Theater, Heerlen on 2 June. Special guests for the evening include Barry Blinderman and Jan Rothuizen, who will each be telling their own story. Barry Blinderman is curator, writer, teacher and artist. From 1980 to 1987, he managed the Semaphore Gallery and Semaphore EAST in New York City, where he represented the works of Keith Haring, Tseng Kwong Chi, and other highly distinctive artists of the era.

Barbara Strating will be interviewing artist Jan Rothuizen about his friendship with Keith Haring. The Amsterdam-based artist got to know Haring when he was 18, before he became a household name. They regularly worked together in the 1980s. Rothuizen will be sharing a number of anecdotes from the period, as well as a drawing he made of Keith’s studio.

The evening will be concluded with a screening of the film ‘The Universe of Keith Haring’.

Themes and dates for the Keith Cafés (open from 7.30 pm)

Keith Café #1: Keith Haring x the artist 2 June 2022 - 8 to 10.30 pm – Royal Theater
Keith Café #2; Keith X Coming Out. 23 June 7.30 to 10 pm – Royal Theater
Keith Café #3; Keith X Music 21 July - 7.30 to 10 pm – Cultuurhuis Heerlen
Keith Café #4; Keith X Legacy. 22 September – 7.30 to 10 pm - Nieuwe Nor

Keith Haring: Grace House Mural at SCHUNCK

SCHUNCK is proud to present the Keith Haring: Grace House Mural exhibition, where the focus is on the early work of Keith Haring from the period between 1980 and 1984 and the spontaneous and performative character of his oeuvre. The exhibition is proof that there is a lot more to Haring’s oeuvre than his famous colourful work alone. The centrepiece of the exhibition is the mural from Grace House, New York. Plus the chalk drawings he made in the New York subway and his drawings for the dance performance Epochal Songs (1982). The works are supplemented with photographs by conceptual photographer, Tseng Kwong Chi. The exhibition opened in early March and continues until 25 September.

The Keith Cafés have been made possible with the support of Wiertz Company.