Keith Haring 2022 De Wijk in Update

Keith Haring de wijk in (‘Keith Haring in the community’) - update

Many children and young adults have already made acquaintance with Keith Haring in the SCHUNCK museum. Teachers too are enthusiastic about it. We have noticed that many schools are likewise using Keith Haring in their (art) lessons or using his works as a starting point for creative lessons.

And Heerlen’s schoolchildren have indeed been creative! As part of the ‘Keith Haring in the community’ project, four schools, under the guidance of an artist, have been working to create a permanent work of art for their school or neighbourhood, inspired by Keith Haring’s work.

Tarcisius primary school

Tarcisius primary school, together with artist Nieke Lemmen, has been working on life-size figures. They have been shaping the contours in thick lines, just like Keith. These contours are painted in the colours of Keith Haring and the school. In this way, the school wants to establish a permanent link with the occupants of the new school building: Tarcisius primary school, Catharina special school, the pre-school playgroup and the INNOVO office.

De Ganzerik primary school

At De Ganzerik, pupils, together with artist Esther Bour, will be producing street art and graffiti. Like Keith, they will be transforming old car parts, such as a bonnet and mudguards into works of art. They will be doing this with spray cans, as well as markers. Their efforts have been inspired by the works of Keith Haring, which can be seen in the Keith Haring: Grace House Mural exhibition in SCHUNCK.  The school’s aim is for pupils to experience for themselves that art can act as a form of communication.
The installation that the pupils eventually create will be given a permanent place in the school.

Broederschool (primary school)

Pupils at the Broederschool, together with artist Sàndor Sinko, will be producing a light installation which makes the connection with animated figures from 1922, as a reference to the 100th anniversary of the school.

De Buitenhof special needs school

Together with artist Marc van Soest, De Buitenhof pupils have started creating life-size cut-outs, based on figures that Keith Haring made. They have been painting these cut-out figures in bright colours, à la Keith Haring, and pasting them with materials that pupils find on the streets. The final results will be put on display in a number of shops windows in the centre of Heerlen. Want to know more? Click here for more information.