Keith En Ik Eindexamenexpo


A festive opening to the final-year exhibition of students at Bernardinuscollege in Heerlen, entitled Keith & ik (‘Keith & I’) took place at SCHUNCK on Saturday 12 March. The key is in the name: final-year high school students created art inspired by Keith Haring. The exhibition is open to the public free-of-charge.  

Council Executive, Jordy Clemens, whose portfolio includes youth and cultural affairs, opened the exhibition in the attendance of students, family, friends and staff. Inspired by the work on show at the Keith Haring: Grace House Mural exhibition, final-year art students at the high school were set the task of designing their own creations. The themes on which they are based are as diverse as the works of art they have created; imagery, identity, New York’s underground scene and, for example, the crossover culture. The students’ creative processes have resulted in 28 highly individual works of art, from paintings to 3D objects and videos.

The students’ works are on display in the Aad de Haas gallery in the SCHUNCK Glaspaleis from 13 March to 10 April 2022.

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Keith En Ik Eindexamenexpo
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Fotografie: Anne Jannes