SCHUNCK Koken Met Letters Taalhuis Bibliotheek Volwassenen

Cook the alphabeth

The A is from Apple Pie. B from Banana. C could be Chocolate and D... ? Do you also want to learn the Dutch language in a fun and low-threshold way? This is the course for you!  

In the Cook the Alphabet course (Koken met Letters) you learn to read and understand simple texts. We practice the Dutch language while enjoying dishes from different countries and from the Netherlands. The Dutch culture is also discussed. We talk about holidays, special events, traditions and explore different places in the Netherlands.

For whom

Cook the Alphabet is intended for people with a migration background who want to understand the Dutch language a little better and enjoy putting a culinary twist on learning!

What do we learn

Cook the Alphabet is a first introduction to the Dutch language and the customs in Dutch society and culture. In addition, we actively work on basic learning through the 'Cooking alphabet':

  • Basic language skills
  • Basic speaking skills
  • Basic reading comprehension

Do you already know the basics? Then check out the follow-up course 'Typically Dutch'.

Where and when

SCHUNCK Glaspaleis (downtown) - Fridays from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. With the exception of school holidays.

More information and registration

Contact us at