Dreaming out loud: Lobke Cornelissen de Beer
'Dreaming Out Loud' is a series focusing on young designers and artists who hardly have a stage yet in Limburg and the Euregion. This summer, the spotlight is on Lobke Cornelissen de Beer. She graduated from the Maastricht Institute of Arts in 2021 and was nominated for the Henriette Hustinx Prize the same year.
SCHUNCK Glaspaleis
€ 0,-
Lobke Cornelissen de Beer (Heerlen, 2000) is a talented artist from Heerlen. At SCHUNCK, she is showing a series of self-portraits in acrylic and oil on canvas that she has painted over the past two years. In her portraits, she depicts herself in stereotypical male and female guises, such as a forklift driver, pregnant woman and bodybuilder. She has somewhat masculinised her facial features using an Instagram filter. The result looks alienating and playful, but is also confrontational and questioning.
She started her series of paintings from a personal research. Her motivation was to explore her question: which gender identity fits me? During this process, she found that she does not want to pigeonhole herself. She wants to embrace both her masculinity and femininity in her work and in reality. It suits her not to give her gender a name.
In her paintings, Lobke Cornelissen de Beer also explores the socially determined concept of gender as a (Western) binary construction. In other words, she highlights the widely accepted genders - being male and being female - and the specific roles, behaviours and expectations society assigns to them as a socio-cultural construction. While looking at her work, she hopes the audience will also question the concept of gender and the socially determined rules and conventions that (young) people may feel they have to comply with. Gender understood solely as being male or female is a rigid image in need of revision.
Opening: Sunday 25 June from 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Dreaming Out Loud
'Dreaming Out Loud' puts young architects and visual artists from Limburg and the Euregion in the spotlight. Two or three times a year, a student or graduate talent alternating between architecture and visual arts from the Euroregion is invited to put together a cabinet presentation and present itself to the public.