Driver’s Seat X Aad de Haas X collection SCHUNCK
Driver's Seat presents the exhibition We Don't Live Forever Anyway with works from the SCHUNCK collection. In between the lockdowns, the participants of Driver's Seat worked hopeful on their own exhibition in which they did not make it easy on themselves.
SCHUNCK Glaspaleis
€ 0,-
Vera, Noha, Ward, Shilo, Bibi, Veerle, Eefje, Jules, Caro, Lisa, Lieve and Maureen are Driver's Seat 2021-2022: SCHUNCK's youth group. This club chose to choose works by Aad de Haas from SCHUNCK's collection, and combine them with other artists from the collection. The choices the Driver's Seat members made are very personal. In the accompanying texts, they explain their choices and make themselves very vulnerable. They show how they link these particular combinations of artworks to their own lives and thoughts, what lessons they learn from artworks made long before they were born, or they share with us what they see with their eyes.
Driver's Seat mainly worked on this exhibition during times of lockdown and restrictions. If that period taught them anything, it's that things can change very quickly and that in an instant you can find yourself in a situation you didn't think possible before. The title of the exhibition was therefore a no brainer for them. From the moment Tim Ayres' work 'We Don't Live Forever Anyway' passed by, everyone agreed: this work is important and this will be the exhibition title. F&%* it; we're going for it!
The exhibition can still be seen in the Aad de Haas hall until 19 June 2022, on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays only.
Driver's Seat member Bibi, in the meantime, became so impressed by Aad de Haas' painting Two brides that she decided to get a tattoo of it. In honour of the exhibition, owner Rob van Rijn gave the work on loan so that even more people can enjoy it.