Forget the Rules Schunck Museum

Forget the rules / final-year exhibition Bernardinus College

28 March to 12 May 2024

The final-year high-school students of Bernardinus College and SCHUNCK together present a final-year exhibition in SCHUNCK's Aad de Haas gallery, inspired by David Bade.


SCHUNCK Glaspaleis



Inspired by the SCHUNCK collection and in particular the works by David Bade in the exhibition In for life: 10 years of David Bade in Heerlen, the students of Bernardinus College set to work creating their own final-year works.

They sketched and designed, thought and deliberated and sketched some more to finally come up with their own work of art. Besides the SCHUNCK collection, the students also drew inspiration from themes such as identity and dreams and reality. The students were free to choose the form for their final-year work, resulting in an exhibition full of artworks as diverse as the students themselves.

Forget the Rules Schunck Bernardinus
Expositie Forget the Rules Schunck Museum

The students' works can be seen from 28 March to 12 May 2024, from Tuesday to Sunday between 12:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m., in the Aad de Haas gallery of SCHUNCK Glaspaleis.