David Bade Levenslang 9051s

Guided family tour David Bade in dialect (6+)

Go on a guided family tour through the exhibition In for life: 10 Years of David Bade in Heerlen. Using dialect as the main language, the museum guide will take the whole family into the colorful world of the artist who has a lifelong connection to Heerlen. During the tour you will also engage in various viewing and doing assignments. Of course also in dialect!


SCHUNCK Glaspaleis


tour €0,- / museumticket à € 9,50 is verplicht (kinderen gratis)

Practical information

  • Date: Wednesday 21 February
  • Time: 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
  • Location: SCHUNCK Glaspaleis. On the day itself you can report to the desk in the main hall.
  • Cost: the guided tour is free, after registration. To participate in the tour, a ticket for the museum is required. You can buy this at the box office on the day, or online in advance.
  • Age: 6-100 years

Too crazy dialec daag

As part of Mother Tongue Day, we have a packed dialect program for young and old on Wednesday 21 February. Read more about the program (in Dutch) >