Keith Haring: an introduction by Ko van Dun
By way of a presentation, Ko van Dun will be introducing us to the world of Keith Haring in the 1980s: the turbulent decade which signalled the end of the ‘old world’. At a time when consumerism and yuppiedom were rampant, this was being audaciously counterforced by anarchist groups.
SCHUNCK Glaspaleis
€ 7,50
Nowhere were the contrasts more stark than in New York. Wall Street was the neoliberal arena for big bucks, whilst the area around Times Square was suffering from urban blight and decay. Thanks partly to the impulse of an activist gay scene, an underground started to flourish here which distanced itself radically from the established order. Keith Haring emerged as one of its big names: gay, artist, activist and - just like his friend Jean-Michel Basquiat - an icon of an age that was as exciting as it was tragic.
Ko van Dun
Ko van Dun (b. Heerlen, 1953) is a freelance teacher of arts and culture who is engaged in a broad spectrum of themes and subjects. He is active as a speaker, author and adviser and, in addition to work for his own foundation, is also active in the world of higher education, museums and business. As well as lecturing in auditoria and theatres, he also gives livestreaming presentations from his own studio. His art reviews can be heard regularly on local radio.