Keith Haring x music x food
On Sunday 7 August, you can take lunch, listen to music and exchange stories about Keith Haring. Why not combine it with a visit to Keith Haring: Grace House Mural?
Betahuis, Wilhelminaplein 25, Heerlen
€ 20,-
A Keith Haring exhibition at SCHUNCK: how cool is that?! Media sociologist & pop journalist Theo Ploeg, podcast producer & DJ Marco Smeets and designer & vegan inspirer Aline Ploeg all thought the same. Here, they immerse themselves in the world of Haring; whilst Theo relates anecdotes about the artist’s life and work, Marco plays fitting music (as well as some cool clips). Aline serves an inspiring vegan two-course lunch.
A nice start (or finish) to a visit to SCHUNCK.
The presentation is about 1 hour and a half hours. The price of € 20 per person is for the presentation, lunch, table water, tea/coffee - any other drinks can be purchased at the bar. Make a reservation by sending an email to You will be sent instructions. Once you have paid, your reservation will be confirmed. Remember: first come, first served!
Please note: this event is not sponsored by SCHUNCK. For any questions, we would advise you to contact the email address above.