No Pictures Please/ Final-year exhibition Sintermeertencollege
29 final-year high-school students at Sintermeertencollege and SCHUNCK together present a final-year exhibition around Bertien van Manen's exhibition Gluckauf at SCHUNCK.
SCHUNCK Glaspaleis
€ 0,-
Inspired by the work and life of Bertien van Manen, the students of Sintermeertencollege set to work creating their own works. The themes addressed are as diverse as the artworks they created: security, identity, places in transition or immersing themselves in another.
The title No Pictures Please is a reference to the challenge given to the students not to take the most obvious step towards photography in their free work, but to challenge themselves to choose an entirely different artistic discipline. Students with a passion for photography took up this challenge by immersing themselves in new angles and techniques, inspired by Bertien.
The exhibition can be seen from 7 April in the Aad de Haas gallery of SCHUNCK Glaspaleis.