Presentation: the world of Keith Haring
Inspirational teacher and storyteller Arjen van Prooijen takes us on a journey into the world of Keith Haring.
SCHUNCK Glaspaleis
€ 7,50
We look at Keith Haring’s work in the context of the prevailing styles of the 1980s. Styles such as pop art, neopop, superflat, post-modernism, body art, engagement art, graffiti, street art and more, help reinforce the story. From this, we get a good idea of the power of the artist in relation to the Zeitgeist and will enable us to discover new relationships between artistic styles and artists. Arjen lectures in Art Appreciation at the academy of art in Maastricht.
He also gives presentations on art-related subjects. He is a storyteller in every sense of the word. Come, listen and look.