Punk Dans Kunst
28 Jan 2018 - 13 May 2018
Guest curator and choreographer Karin Post brings a contemporary collage of movement, image and sound.
Punk+Dans+Kunst: Angry movements
Punk, dance and art. Over thirty years after the provocative cult classic Hail the New Puritan by video artist Charles Atlas and top dancercum-choreographer Michael Clark, this dynamic triangle has once again been put in the spotlight. This docufantasy is a fictitious portrait of a day in the life of Scottish dancer Michael Clark in the decadent post-punk London of the 1980s. Its message was to give a resounding NO to the established order and to having to keep in step with everyone else.
In the exhibition we see the subversive creativity and the physical, ironic language used in Hail reflected in the work of contemporaries of Clark and Atlas’s day, as well as among modern-day artists active in visual art and dance, music and pop culture, with their rebellious expressions. Some of the angry movements are timeless.
Guest curator and choreographer Karin Post has put together, exclusively for SCHUNCK and schrit_tmacher festival, a modern-day collage of movement, image and sound, which traces the influence of punk sub-culture and its ‘angry movements’ in dance and visual art.
The 1986 film Hail the New Puritan by cult dancer and choreographer Michael Clark and media dance pioneer Charles Atlas turned the dance world upside down. This ironic punk-dance video inspired a choreographed exhibition on the influence of dance and subcultures on the professional arts. Guest curator and horeographer Karin Post will present a contemporary collage consisting of movement, image, and sound.
Featuring works (among others):
Charles Atlas / Karole Armitage / Roger Ballen / Fernando Belfiore / Marc Bijl / Rob Birza & Berend Strik / Andrea Božić & Julia Willms / Jaap Drupsteen / Gilbert & George / michel Gondry / Florentina Holzinger / Hugo Kaagman / Gerald van der Kaap / Bastienne Kramer / Noah Latif Lamp / Joep van Lieshout / Rik Meijers / Clunie Reid / Lydia Schouten / Ton Simons / Sorbus / Lucy Suggate / Marjan Teeuwen / Moniek Toebosch / Igor Vrebac / Friso Witteveen / Sara Zamboni / ZOOTENGENANT
Made possible by:
This exhibition and performance were created in collaboration with and as part of schrit_tmacher festival. Made possible by the Performing Arts Fund, Province of Limburg and Municipality of Heerlen.