11 Sep 2010 - 3 Dec 2010
Talent Development
Roots was an extensive project focused on talent development, seamlessly aligning with the EAP. The target group consisted of young architects who have since successfully established their own practices. Interested designers could apply for participation, with the only conditions being age and their connection to the Euregio Meuse-Rhine. Ultimately, 22 firms were selected from a total of 56 submissions by an international professional jury. In addition to the exhibition, the participants were invited to take part in a design competition for a pavilion, intended for the Cultural Capital Maastricht 2018, the application [or selection?] process for which was still ongoing at the time but unfortunately did not lead to success. The winning design, “Floating Room” by StudioGruber from Vienna, was awarded a cash prize of €5,000 during the opening on September 11. Roots was an extensive project focused on talent development, seamlessly aligning with the EAP. The target group consisted of young architects who have since successfully established their own practices.
22 selected participating firms, 14 of which participated in the design competition:
- SzturHärterArchitekten GmbH / Aachen
- space&matter / Amsterdam
- Ifau / Berlin
- Büro Jens Casper / Berlin
- realities:united, studio for art and architecture / Berlin
- wiewiorra hopp architekten / Berlin
- atelier raw / Maastricht
- Architecten Broekx-Schiepers / Hasselt
- Jo Janssen Architecten / Maastricht
- Büro für Konstruktivismus / Berlin
- StudioGruber / Vienna
- Anorak / Brussels
- Philippe Dirix Architect / Landen (B)
- DKFS / London
- Gagat international / Landgraaf + Aachen
- hanenberg & huhs / Aachen + Vienna
- schulz & schulz / Leipzig
- SML Architekten / Hamburg
- De Gouden Liniaal Architecten bvba / Genk
- SPECIMEN architecture / Namur
- hugo11 / Mönchengladbach
- FAR frohn&rojas / Cologne
International Jury for Exhibition Selection:
- Harm Tilman (Editor-in-Chief, De Architect)
- Hans Ibelings (Editor-in-Chief, A10)
- Stefan Devoldere (Editor-in-Chief, A+)
- Sabine Kraft (Editor-in-Chief, ARCH+)
- Florian Heilmeyer (Editor, Baunetz)
Jury for the Design Competition:
- Jean Boumans (Jury President, HKL Consultant)
- Lex Rijkers (Resonatorcoop Architecten)
- Birgit de Bruin (Architect, Teacher, and Advisor, SCHUNCK*)
- Hans Vermeulen (DUS Architecten)
- Lene ter Haar (Curator of Contemporary Art, SCHUNCK*)
Winner of the Design Competition
"A Floating Room," Stefan Gruber (StudioGruber, Vienna).
Lectures and Final Debate
Wed, September 15, 2010 | 19:30 | Trio Lecture | English
- Büro für Konstruktivismus
- space&matter
- realities:united, studio for art and architecture
Wed, September 22, 2010 | 19:30 | Trio Lecture | Dutch + English
- Gagat international
- Philippe Dirix Architect
- schulz & schulz
Wed, October 6, 2010 | 19:30 | Debate | English
Guests: Bundesstiftung Baukultur (Carl Zillich) | Architectuur Lokaal (Cilly Janssen) | Team Vlaams Bouwmeester (Tony Vannuffelen) | ANORAK | atelier RAW | Hanenberg & Huhs
- Creative Industries Fund NL
- Province of Limburg
- Parkstad Limburg City Region