SPIELEREI is a major exhibition of historical and contemporary interactive art. 

First in the Netherlands 

SPIELEREI is a large exhibition of historical and contemporary interactive art. Starting point is the artists' collective GRAV (France, 1960-1968), which wanted to activate and liberate the viewer through art objects that required you to do or undergo something. GRAV artists wanted to bring art closer to the public: no work of art without action. 
There are also works by contemporaries of GRAV who also playfully challenged the public to 'do'. At the same time, we make a jump to the here and now, tracing GRAV's influence on contemporary artists, who are represented with diverse work: from political engagement and painted optical illusions to the use of Virtual Reality. 

Schunck Museum Spielerei 2016  (15)

Closing piece Push and Pull? 

The exhibition SPIELEREI is the final piece of the Push and Pull program that focuses on the interaction between the public and contemporary art in exhibitions and expert meetings. An accompanying publication in two parts and a symposium on November 25 will round off Push and Pull. 

Schunck Museum Spielerei 2016  (11)


Featuring work by GRAV, Henk Peeters, Dieter Hacker, Rolf Glasmeier, Gerhard von Graevenitz, Domenique Himmelsbach, Marleine van der Werff & Frederick Duerinck, among others. 

Schunck Museum Spielerei 2016  (10)

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