The selection of ZORBA HUISMAN
Zorba Huisman (1996, Heerlen) is a theatre, film, and documentary maker. For this edition of The Selection of ..., she selected her favourite works from SCHUNCK's art collection.
SCHUNCK Glaspaleis
The Art Depot consists of three different rooms, each hosting a different exhibition. The presentation in the third space is guest-curated four times a year. Following previous selections by the likes of Emile Roemer, Zorba Huisman now chooses her favourite works from SCHUNCK's collection.
Zorba: "It has always been a small dream of mine to do this – to wander through a beautiful art depot like SCHUNCK's and to let myself be surprised by everything I didn’t yet know, like an explorer. In making my selection, I was guided by what moves me. There is no overarching theme, no common thread, no reason or logical explanation for my choices—only the absolute conviction that each work here possesses something I want to share with others.
I am a creator. Of theatre, film, and documentary. But these works have made me realize that you can only be a creator if you are also a spectator. These pieces challenge me to consider what theatricality is; what moves us? What makes something resonate with me and inspire me to empathize with what I see?”
“Just as my name – Zorba – reflects who I am, so do these works. They introduce me to you, and I hope they will colour your day just as they have coloured mine and always will.”
The Selection of Zorba Huisman is on view until 21 April 2025.
Zorba Huisman, Fotografie Robin De Puy