Trees ruijs, moederdier v, 1987

Trees Ruijs / Moederdier

Trees Ruijs, Moederdier V, 1987, monotype op papier, 49 x 71 cm, collectie Trees Ruijs Huijs.

Whereas the Aad de Haas gallery normally shows work from a male perspective, this edition focuses on the female artist Trees Ruijs. Moederdier is the title of a series of monotypes which Ruijs created in the 1980s.These deal with female physicality. 


SCHUNCK Glaspaleis

Aad de Haas’ works, in whose work the female form often appears, form a counterpoint for the works of Ruijs. In the work of De Haas, women appear on the one hand as hallowed, serene figures and on the other hand as objects of beauty and sexual desire. In general, it might be said that De Haas’ work embodies a particularly male attitude to the female body. Ruijs’ works show a fascination for the female form from the female perspective. In part, they relate to her own body and life experiences and they point to a keen interest in physical freedom, sexuality and pregnancy.

Trees Ruijs

Trees Ruijs (Maastricht, 1925 – Ubachsberg, 2016) was a Dutch writer and painter. Ruijs spent her childhood in the former Dutch East Indies, which were brought to an end by the Japanese occupation. In 1946, Trees commenced a five-year course in painting at the Koninklijke Academie in The Hague. It was here that she met fellow-student Jan Vonk, who she married in 1955 and with whom she would have six children. Jan took a job as a graphic designer at the Dutch State Mines (DSM), so the young family moved to Limburg which is where they made their livelihoods.

Museum Trees Ruijs Huijs

To coincide with the Moederdier exhibition in SCHUNCK, the Museum Trees Ruijs Huijs is presenting an exhibition about emancipation. The museum aims to become a personal, museological and cultural meeting place, amongst other things, for personal and interpersonal development. Ruijs’ works are regularly put on display here and there are temporary exhibitions organised for contemporary artists. At the current time, the museum houses the collection of Trees Ruijs.

Museum Trees Ruijs Huijs
Carbon 6, Kloosterweg 1

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