First Keith Café a big success
4 Jun 2022
The first Keith Café took place in the Royal Theater on the evening of Thursday 2 June. It was an evening to listen, to laugh and to enjoy stories told first-hand about Keith Haring!
Speakers included gallery owner Barry Blinderman (NY), who was amongst the first to embrace Haring’s work in the 1980s and who gave him his first public showing. That was in an era when mainstream museums branded him as a cartoonist or a graffiti artist.
The Universe of Keith Haring
Jan Rothuizen also spoke about his friendship with Keith Haring, Sanne Berger gave a poetry recital and the evening was concluded with a screening of the film ‘The Universe of Keith Haring’. It was a great success, with a ‘jam’ session of anecdotes from Barry, former employee and friend: the two complementing each other perfectly. We can’t wait for the next Keith Café!
Keith Café #2 takes place on 23 June, likewise in the Royal Theater. This session will be devoted to the theme of ‘coming out’. Click here for more information.