SCHUNCK Museum is participating in national ArtBase pilot
ArtBase, a program for regional contemporary art, is launching at three locations in the Netherlands.
SCHUNCK (Heerlen, Limburg), Stedelijk Museum Schiedam (South Holland), and a newly established platform for contemporary art in Terneuzen (Zeeland) have launched a pilot project to promote regional contemporary art. This program, provisionally titled ArtBase, aims to explore how these institutions can strengthen the position, development, and significance of contemporary visual art within their respective regions over the coming years.
Boosting Art and the Region
ArtBase has a dual focus. On the one hand, it seeks to advance contemporary art in the Netherlands, particularly in areas beyond the major art hubs. On the other hand, the program aims to contribute to the economic vitality of the regions. One of its goals is to increase the visibility of local artists both within and beyond their regions, potentially creating new opportunities for them elsewhere. This approach aims to expand the reach and earning potential of these artists.
Additionally, ArtBase enhances the standing, relevance, and operational potential of the participating museums, both regionally and nationally. By doing so, it aims to improve the overall cultural landscape of the regions. The program also helps promote the image of the region and its residents by addressing societal issues, shaping and strengthening local identity, and fostering a sense of pride.
Inspired by the French FRAC model (Fonds régional d’art contemporain), the pilot runs from 2025 to 2027.
Six Key Components
The ArtBase program consists of six core elements:
- Presenting contemporary art within the region.
- Commissioning or acquiring works by regional contemporary artists.
- Collaborating with regional partners.
- Fostering talent development.
- Engaging with local communities.
- Promoting cultural education.
While each location — Heerlen, Schiedam and Terneuzen — develops its own unique approach, they work together in a sustainable and collaborative manner.
Strengthening the Position and Development of Visual Arts
Over the next few years, the ArtBase pilot will explore whether a focused and identifiable regional museum program for contemporary visual art can strengthen the position, development, and significance of art in the region. The institutions also aim to identify a framework for implementing such a program nationwide. What works, what doesn’t, and how can it best be organized?
The program is being developed in close collaboration with the Mondriaan Fund. Eelco van der Lingen, Director of the Mondriaan Fund, stated: “This is a unique and valuable initiative. Three regional institutions are working together to forge a national connection. Within this framework, visual art is given a strong new platform, while safeguarding local character. The exploratory, innovative nature of this pilot project will serve regional quality in various ways, contributing to the enrichment of the national art scene.”
The Mondriaan Fund has tasked consultancy firm Blueyard with monitoring and supporting the project over the next three years.
“ArtBase SCHUNCK is a great push to put our commitment to contemporary art in and through the region even more firmly on the map. In Heerlen, we want to use this opportunity to further intensify our focus on social well-being and public spaces.”
Stedelijk Museum Schiedam
Director Anne de Haij remarked: “Stedelijk Museum Schiedam is proud to participate in this pilot. Our museum is committed to being a platform where residents of Schiedam and its surroundings can discover contemporary art and artists from this region. Thanks to ArtBase, we can solidify this mission even further.”
ArtBase Terneuzen
Supported by the Province of Zeeland, ArtBase Terneuzen is exploring the feasibility of establishing a new art platform in Zeeuws-Vlaanderen. Through an experimental program, it presents works by Zeeland artists, placing them in an international context through commissions and partnerships with regional collaborators.