Unfortunately, we are facing another lockdown, which means that the museums are also closed for the time being. To make sure you don't miss out, we give you a peek into our current exhibition: Smoke & Mirrors.  

The exhibition shows new acquisitions and existing works in the visual arts collection that similarly evoke dream images, reflections on current issues and phantoms from the past. Sometimes monumental, often subtle. Planting a seed in your head and in your heart.

Let yourself be carried away by the suggestion of a deeper truth and broaden your horizons by Smoke & Mirrors, with work by David Bade, Yael Bartana, Koen Doodeman, Charlotte Dumas, Hadassah Emmerich, Gijs Frieling, Vera Gulikers, Fons Haagmans, Natasja Kensmil, Troy Lovegates, Elke Lutgerink, Keetje Mans, Rik Meijers, Navid Nuur, Simone Schuffelen, Johan Tahon, Aline Thomassen, Esther Tielemans, Helen Verhoeven and Dan Zhu, among others.

For more information about the exhibition and the works, have a look here.