Bezoekers in donkere ruimte kijken naar werk van Andy Warhol.

Admission prices museum

Foto: Anne Jannes

On this page you will find our admission prices and discounted rates. In our calendar, you will find prices per activity. Many of our exhibitions and activities are free to visit.


Museum gallery and atrium

Ticket sales at the reception:

  • € 16,00 | general admission
  • € 12,80 | CJP / students (on presentation of a valid student card)
  • € 12,80 | Friends of SCHUNCK
  • € 6,50 | Dutch museum pass (surcharge for the exhibition Andy Warhol: Vanitas) 
  • Free | Children up to the age of 18
  • Free | VriendenLoterij VIP Ticket plus a maximum of 1 guest

Online tickets:

  • € 15,00 | general admission
  • € 11,80 | CJP / students (on presentation of a valid student card)
  • € 11,80 | Friends of SCHUNCK
  • € 5,50 | Dutch museum pass (surcharge for the exhibition Andy Warhol: Vanitas) 
  • Free | Children up to the age of 18
  • Free | VriendenLoterij VIP Ticket plus a maximum of 1 guest

Outside the museum gallery, a number of spaces can be visited free of charge, namely: the showcase, vide, exhibition room (+1), the stairwell and the Aad de Haas room (0).

Check the calendar for tickets and our current programme.

Guided tours 

For guided tours in Dutch we charge standard rates. Would you like a tour in English or German? Please contact us for your personal requests.

The following rates* apply for guided tours:

  • Museum tour € 80.-
    (approximately 60 minutes, a maximum of 25 people, excluding entrance ticket)
  • Tour through the Glaspaleis € 80.-
    (approximately 60 minutes, a maximum of 20 people)
  • Tour through the Glaspaleis inclusing an introductory film  € 100.-
    approximately 75 minutes, a maximum of 20 people)
  • Sunday tour of the current exhibition, free upon presentation of a valid entrance ticket to the SCHUNCK Museum
    (approximately 60 minutes, a maximum of 20 people,  every third Sunday of the month exlcuding public holidays)
  • 'Museumtas', a scavenger hunt for children through the current exhibition. Free on presentation of a valid entrance ticket to the SCHUNCK Museum.

 Specialised tours:

  • Architectural tour through the Glaspaleis € 135,-
    (approximately 90 minutes, a maximum of 20 people)
  • Architectural tour through the Glaspaleis including an introductory film € 155,-
    (approximately 105 minutes, a maximum of 20 people)
  • Architectural city walk € 135,-
    (approximately 90 minutes, a maximum of 20 people)

*If available, subject to change, SCHUNCK terms and conditions apply


The price as stated in the agenda item of the lecture applies per lecture. For current dates and times, take a look at our calendar. We do offer the following discounts:

  • 15% discount: 65+ / groups from 9 persons / CJP Cultuurkaart members / students (on presentation of a valid student card)
  • 30% discount: 12 to 18 year olds / members SCHUNCK Music and Dance / members of our librabry and Parkstad Limburg Libraries / Members of Vrienden van SCHUNCK

Cultuuruitje: visit SCHUNCK with your school class

Primary schools in Limburg can travel with the whole class (incl. teacher and supervisors) to SCHUNCK for free with the regular public transport of Arriva in Limburg. Travelling by coach is also possible through Arriva Touring. Arriva pays 75% of the costs. The school pays 25%. Here you can find all (travel) conditions and the application form.

CJP Cultuurkaart

The CJP Cultuurkaart is a discount pass for secondary school students. With this pass you get a discount on culture and at many shops. A student receives such a pass at school, but not every school participates. Do you want to know how to use the culture card? Check out the CJP website.