Kunstdepot Bij Schunck Heerlen

How does the Art Depot at SCHUNCK work?

To show SCHUNCK's variety of collection works, a constantly changing selection is presented on the shelves of the first rows of the depot. This includes connecting to ongoing exhibitions in SCHUNCK and/or current events.

As an enrichment of the museum, the covered patio offers a great opportunity to exhibit special three-dimensional works, for example as part (extension) of exhibitions or as a way of presenting artists' work.

How does our Art Depot work?

What are now three music rooms on the -1 of SCHUNCK Music and Dance will soon be three museum-conditioned rooms, suitable for storage and presentation. A continuously changing selection from the SCHUNCK collection will be presented by means of an interactive sliding system. With room for thirty to sixty collection pieces per presentation, a new story is told regularly, whether or not linked to current issues or ongoing exhibitions.

There are three walls in each of the three rooms, each of which can be conjured up at the push of a button. The electrically sliding walls with artworks can thus be viewed at will, but also according to the desired rhythm indicated on the screens. In this way, it is also possible to work thematically, with, for example, a first wall by colour, a second by subject and a third by artist. This wall-and-slide construction and its interactive aspect allow visitors to admire three times as many works in a room as in a traditional setting. More importantly, visitors can admire the result of seventy years of collecting in Heerlen in an accessible and attractive way, entirely interactively and free of charge.


The Art Depot has three different rooms with shelves, each containing an exhibition. On the first rack, visitors are given explanations about the current exhibition. These are regularly rearranged so that different works are constantly visible to visitors to the Glaspaleis. As a visitor, you then decide yourself - by pressing a button - the order of the racks, which automatically shift until the desired combination. The first presentation in the Art Depot is all about 'looking'. You have to look very closely at one work to see exactly what it depicts or what material it is made of. Other works direct your gaze in a certain direction. Some works of art act as windows on another world; sometimes they are literally paintings of windows. And finally, there are works of art that play with visual perception: they influence your gaze or lead you astray. In short: looking is the activity these works invite you to do.

Four times a year, SCHUNCK invites someone connected to Heerlen/Parkstad to work with the public art collection and make a personal selection from the hundreds of works. This selection is then also presented in one of the art depositories. Governor of the King Emile Roemer will kick off with his personal choice. On 9 metres of depot wall, from 25 January, you will see which artworks he wants to share with us and the city.