Alexander van Gestel
A makefactory for Keramo 2.0. UHasselt (Belgium)
Within a society where the linear economy is still applicable, a makefactory for Keramo 2.0, tries to change this. The project wants to be a pioneer for the circular economy to show of the benefits and possibilities as we can clearly see we are running against the borders of what is possible on this planet. Within a proposed masterplan, the project is located on the border between housing and industry. In contrast to the conventional hard separation of the two functions, the project looks for the coherence and combination of both functions, which brings several benefits. All this takes place in two reused steel halls located on the Keramo site.
Both steel halls will, because of the presence of asbestos, be stripped down to the structure. The rhythm of the structure will be used as a guide for the placement and dimensioning of new volumes. Side walls of the hall remain open, but a new roof will be provided to create a covered outdoor space. This open space in the halls can be used as a common workshop and meeting space for both functions.
Workshop spaces will be placed within the project, where people can upcycle materials and give a second life to used materials. These workshop spaces are placed within the existing volume. A wooden grid is placed in this volume, in which units can grow or shrink freely over time. In this way, the project is future-proof and other infills are possible in the future.
A wooden tower, which provides the residential program, is placed in the lower left corner of the hall, and vertically extends beyond the volume of the hall. By providing the volume at this location it distances itself from the heavier industry located on the site and nuisance is avoided.
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