Angela Collard
Rehabilitation of the 'Hasard' Coalmine of Cheratte. ISAI Lambert Lombard (Belgium)
Rehabilitation of the « Hasard » Coalmine of Cheratte
Art and Socio-Cultural Centre
Despite “Cheratte” is surrounded by motorways and natural elements (“Meuse” and hill), the place offers a great potential in as much relic of the twentieth century mining emphasizes landscape.
A linear park connecting different localities is proposed to respond to the demand for a new identity of the Liege Meuse basin. This scheme takes part of a global thinking about Meuse’s emphasize from “Liege” to “Visé” by creating bonds with present activities. In “Cheratte” this inter-town link will be as a backbone on which both new and existent activities will come along on top of it. It will be a multidisciplinary meeting point in the heart of town.
The concept guiding the makeover of the colliery tends to regenerate dynamics flux characteristic of the exploitation of coal and suited to the news functions introduced. It underscores the course throughout different activities and the relation to the existing context.
Regarding these activities, three poles will live together. The first, based on services, weave a social network. The second, hosted in an old shed fitted out with greenhouses and workshops, welcomes professional trainings including energy savings and water and soils restoration courses. The third part, dedicated to art and culture, takes place on the outside and in a new contemporary building. Moreover, this auditorium, in heart of the colliery, is involved in the connection among all activities as well as between the street and the higher court. It is made up of a café with live theatre, an outdoor bar, a concert hall and an outside stage with sight on colliery setting.
I want to tend towards a modular space both play and sober, staging fantastic existent spaces likewise opening the possibility to everyone using it without complex. In short, tempt to create a dynamics using key elements of the Liege landscape.
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