Anna Greta Bayer
Temporary Use. Spaces of Innovation. RWTH Aachen (Germany)
In European cities and metropolises, temporary uses and creative quarters attract people from far beyond the city limits. Neglected unused public urban spaces as well as vacant real estate are appropriated, reactivated and upgraded through various actors. Their short-lived, informal and public qualities are key to their popularity. They meet the need of a user-supported urban development, which is why the surrounding district often gives its support in turning these spaces into part of the permanent establishment. These architectural experiments and new urban models provide impulses for urban development and are increasingly becoming a starting point for urban innovations.
The aim of “Temporary Use. Spaces of Innovation” is to develop an appropriation process by means of promoting the temporary use of the disused Siemensbahn in Berlin Spandau. The goal is to influence already existing schemes and to develop the area sustainably. The key agent is the fictitious Siemensbahn e.V., a pioneer who brings the railway line back into the urban fabric. In doing so he takes on the role of a space-entrepreneur curating the process. One such possible process is shown in four phases. The scheme can react flexibly to formal planning. The possibility of reactivating the railway line and the associated connection to the ring railway network is included in the planning.
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