
Bo Struyf

mINThS. PHL Diepenbeek (Belgium) 

Struyf, Bo 3_4.jpg


The masterproject ‘mINThS’ searches for synergy between research and architectural design. The opportunity to make the link between the masterthesis and the masterproject, was difficult, but also in a way very intriguing. My masterthesis concentrated on the relationship between sound and architecture. Therefore I’ve had the opportunity to visit international projects (Tuned City@Berlin, Biennale d’Architettura@Venezia), that proved that sound, being part of the contemporary architectural discourse, is important for the further development of architecture.

‘mINThS’ is the creation of a place in the northern part of Antwerp. It’s developed within the winning design of the competition ‘Park Spoor Noord’. The choice of the context lies in its specificity and the evolution of the art and architectural scene in Antwerp nowadays. Within the context ‘mINThS’ creates an experimental soundcentre.

The location of the project, the Noorderlaan – a ‘loud’ road – is derived from the polemic on ‘noise pollution’. Therefore, we should search for an interactivity between ALL senses to be able to generate a sonic urban space. The concept results in an aural catalyst which is capable of charging the city in a multisensorial way. The use of aural layers and superposition of spheres pursuits this interactivity.

Conceptually the design consists of two metaphors: the music box (aural) and the Rubik’s cube (visual). It’s represented by acoustic arenas in which listeners have the opportunity to experience an aural event. They were further designed into smaller arenas. All transitions and spaces are created through parameters distilled from the research. An important parameter is ‘shared space’. It represents the aural space where different experiences can manifest at the same time. It is a multisensorial event that brings together sound, space, man and time.

The building is experience. It’s a phenomenological given and maybe just the beginning, because there’s still a lot to discover.


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