Caroline Rosenholtz
Adaptable theatre for 3000 people. ISA Saint Luc Liège (Belgium)
Adaptable theatre for 3000 people
Implantation of a theatre as a collective development and management around the archaeological site of Pompeii.
1-Implementation Strategy:
The site selected for implanting the theatre provides a new connection between the archaeological and the modern city of Pompeii.
In addition, it is the starting point for the public bridge crossing the old wall and overlooking the archaeological ruins. For all visitors, it is therefore an introduction to the site itself.
The site is found on the intersection of different pedestrian flows. It is a cluster of encounters between tourists, whether it is archaeological, locals, or random visitors to the auditorium.
2-Planning and Architecture:
The building offers a large buried room. On top, there is an important public plaza. This responds to the requirements of the urban site and the needs of different types of users.
The public space is for large-scale manifestations for tourists, residents and spectators. It also permits the different users to appropriate the space. It also allows multiple uses over time, according to the seasons or events. The plaza can accommodate outdoor performances, weekly markets, events related to the archaeological site, mobile infrastructural elements... It also allows the building to ensure the function of a theatre.
Access to the basement is via the public esplanade. The room itself provides five configurations frontal and central: 3000, 2000, 1000 and 700 seats. Light-wells provide natural light and offer a link between public space and the basement. The building takes advantage of the natural topography to enter into contact with the neighbourhood.
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