Schönauer, Caroline_tegel.jpg

Caroline Schönauer

Mourning Path. RWTH Aachen (Germany) 

These days in society the process of mourning is being more and more supressed. The aim of the design is to maintain the cultural function of the cemetery as a place of mourning and meditation by showing ceremonial procedures of a funeral.

The cemetery extension in Maastricht should make this “mourning path” perceptible in the form of buildings. Along a linear development the mourners are led through the phases of parting. The path illlustrates the process and offers time and space to reflect. The different areas are portrayed by focal points and lighting effects. The mourner moves horizontally on a level through the buildings, which vary in high and volume and thus form the “mourning path”. The partly narrow path widens into tranquility areas with a direct connection to the adjacent grave fields.

The mourners are led from a secular level outside to the spiritual level inside the cemetery, from which they can mingle among the grave fields. At the same time the functional operational processes in the basement are closely connected to those above although not seen by the mourners.
The extension of the grave fields orientates itself to the geometrical order of the existing graves. The internal function is re-interpretated and re-organised, whereby the spaciousness of the site remains. Different sufaces and areas are defined by the formation of edges and different levels between the development paths and mourning areas.

The buildings are made of solid tuff. It is considered to be a voluminous stone and facilitates solid walls, which suit the monumental style thereby stressing the eternity and durable use of the cemetery. The gradual darkening of the surface stresses the decay and transience of a cemetery and contrast with the monumental buildings.

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