Cédric Poncelet
The man
A native of Liège, architect and decorator Gustave Serrurier lived from 1858 to 1910, when art and
industry flourished together.
Impressionism, pointillism, symbolism, … and art nouveau stood side by side. Gustave Serrurier attended
various art schools where he took classes taught by the avant-garde of modern artists.
He always took a keen interest in creating coherent decorative wholes, a perfect mix of knowledge and
know-how, art and industry.
The site
At Bueren’s Mountain feet, between the upper town and the lower one, between the noisy town with the
large road used by cars and the quiet one with numerous dead ends and alleys, between the laborious
town and the thoughtful one.
The programme
A complex with a total surface area of 2,000 m² uniting a variety of functions: various restoration
workshops, stocks, conference rooms, technical offices, a cafeteria, an independent gallery, a library, an
archives room, management caretaking, an exhibition room and a washroom.
The party
Putting morphology of the site at the service of architecture and tying it in with the programme and with
the requested function in order to make the message even stronger, clearer.
A splitting up of the programme into three simple volumes situated in strategic areas and joined together
to consolidate the idea.
The first volume (on the town level) protects the work of man on the matter, representing the labour.
The second volume (on the higher level of the site) welcomes knowledge, representing scholarship.
The third - most important - one comes from the perfect harmony between knowledge and know-how.
Place the work of art always on second level, protected by its forefathers.
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