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Céline Ballez & Grégory Fontaine

Cybernetic center / boverie park. ISA Saint-Luc Liège (Belgium) 


Project of a cybernetic center near the Nicolas Schöffer’s cybernetic and spatiodynamic tower in the Boverie Park, Liège.

This center will combine different exhibition spaces, a library, a workshop for some artists and a bar.

But what about cybernetic?
Cybernetic is the science of dynamic relations, i.e. in evolution among elements of a whole. Therefore we can find applications of cybenetic in the industrial sector, in biology, in IT and in art …

Cybernetic in the city / Cybernetic in an art gallery...
The building fits right in the urban structure and reflects thoughtfully the beats of the city. The onlookers’ contribution will influence the scenographies and will modify randomly the works on exhibit in such a way that light and space will be profoundly connected.
Works' movement and so the perpetual evolution of the plastic qualities on exhibit reflect deeply Cybernetic art. Thus we have decided to recreate that movement within different layers of the museum.

Moreover cybernetic has to be palpable as you're getting closer to the building as well as being inside of it...
The building's figure will definitely be influenced by the study of a discovering movement varying according to the displayed works. The internal movement expression will indeed materialize in the formal development of the museum. Furthermore numerical front walls will put forwards the museum and city activities.
The limit between full and empty spaces will be made hazy by the use of metallic material such as aluminum, mirrors,...

Interactions with onlookers will turn this exhibition area into a singular, but undoubtedly turned towards its surroundings, element of the city.

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