EAP28 2018 Cente van Hout 3

Cente van Hout

Honourable mention
UHasselt (Belgium)
Rooms And Resistance. UHasselt (Belgium) 
EAP28 2018 Cente van Hout 1

In “Rooms and Resistance”, a landscape of rooms is created through the object landscape of the allotment. An architecture consisting of sequences of spaces is constructed instead of grouped buildings where diversity and differentiation is achieved through simplicity and coherence. Each room translates a typical element of the house and enlarges it to the scale of a ‘world’. The walls between these public rooms contain private homes. These private residences only focus on the functional. Between these private homes a communal villa is conceived that will take over the functions of the house. This creates the possibility to spontaneously move life towards the public space. So there is a tension between the minimum comfort that is offered in the private home and the maximum that is created in the rooms. Existing villas are also included in the structure which creates the possibility to accommodate facilities in this structure. The structure itself is an open structure in which residents can mediate, grow and shape their own living environment. Based on the compaction dynamics of the allotment, the project is taking the opportunity to create an economically independent way of life. In this way the design searches for the possibility of a property, ownership and family household ‘liberated’ environment and uses renouncing space as an opportunity to develop a radically new way of life.

EAP28 2018 Cente van Hout 7
EAP28 2018 Cente van Hout 2
EAP28 2018 Cente van Hout 6
EAP28 2018 Cente van Hout 5
EAP28 2018 Cente van Hout 4
EAP28 2018 Cente van Hout 3

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