Christine Schank
Stadtbibliothek Aachen. FH Aachen (Germany)
The development of new media technologies has caused a change of requirements of today’s libraries as a “memory of mankind”. The task is to fulfil these requirements and to create a place of personal and cultural exchange.
The new library is located in the center of Aachen between the inner circle and the cathedral. The focus lies on connecting the “Fischmarkt” to the library for public access and creating an attractive exterior space to liven up and enhance the quarter.
The design is clearly structured. The individual parts of the building depend on their different functions. Their arrangement results from the urban context, the sun and the optimization of the course of functions. The book cube in the north offers different user areas according to age and interest. They are spread over 5 levels and connected through an open staircase in the inner atrium. The visitor can choose individually between a variety of study and working places: a comfortable couch, a place at the atrium, in the winter garden, or totally undisturbed in one of the study cabins with view of the cathedral.
Next to the book cube is the administration wing, connected by bridges. The atrium separates and connects the special function wing from the book cube and the administration wing. The glass facade in front connects all elements mentioned to one unit whilst showing via different information codes, partly in letters, partly in binary code and barcode the diverse information sections and media of the library. Below the frontcourt lies the stockroom, the “treasure chamber” of the library, which corresponds through the high windows with the frontcourt above and creates an effective scene by darkness.
The library is a built expression of openness, transparency, communication and creates diverse opportunities and space for education, relaxation and for cultural exchange.
Due to a tragic accident, Christine Schank deceased in September 2003. In consultation with her parents it was decided to let her graduation project take part in the Euregional Prize for Architecture 2003, as planned.
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