Claudia Ehl
Schadowplatz – Düsseldorf. FH Aachen (Germany)
Local situation
The Schadowplatz is situated next to the northern part of the Königsallee.
Due to the lack of a northern setting with buildings, the Schadowplatz so far merges in the traffic areas of the Jan-Wellem-Platz and cannot be perceived as an urban square. The large undefined space with the Hofgartenstraße behind separates city and Hofgarten and cannot be crossed by pedestrians above ground.
Aims of the project are: - development of a northern setting with buildings
- development of a pedestrian-friendly connection of city and Hofgarten
- definition and new arrangement of the urban space.
Concept urban space
By designing a complex of buildings as a sculptural border of the city the two areas “city” (south) and “public park” (north) are clearly defined.
The traffic installations of the Jan-Wellem-Platz are reduced, the Hofgartenstraße is narrowed and partly becomes a half-sunk roadway. A large-scaled bridge for pedestrians leads into the Hofgarten.
The complex of buildings is composed of single parts which are clearly readable due to the interposed joints. The single parts in form and scale are orientated by the surrounding lots.
Ground plan and elevation respond to the local situations and requirements and create a skyline.
The inner structures of the building offer localities and space of different dimensions and qualities. Thus, the western parts of the building nearby the Königsallee are formed by a powerful, large-scaled structure (Y-pillars, vaulted hall, concrete frame, etc.), while the eastern parts next to the Schadowplatz are organised more small-scaled.
Corresponding to the inner structures the complex of buildings hosts different functions, which overlap horizontally and vertically. They can be coupled so that the building can be passed through in its entire extension (culture, exhibition, seminar, performance, administration, office, shop, flat, cafe/restaurant, library).
The complex shows a largely homogenic appearance which is determined by its many layers: - static / inner structure
- window-construction with irregular partition
- curtain wall structure of horizontal and vertical concrete elements.
Only chosen parts of the facade are designed in a different, special way corresponding to their functions (concrete-wall of the activity hall, covering of the concrete frame with corten-steel, etc.)
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