Claudia Scharf
Arbeitswelten der Zukunft. FH Aachen (Germany)
The idea of this project is to show how different utilizations can form an interacting, lively multi-purpose space, which represents the best basis for creative work. For human interaction many internal 'crossroads' serve as informal meeting points.
As a basic principle the office world of the future claims for flexibility. Therefore the "workbase" has an open structure. It is completely left up to the user, which function the units should
There are three sections in the "workbase" consisting of the combined working/dwelling units, the leisure part and the “satellite office”. According to a desk-sharing-principle the workplaces can be allocated to the inhabitants of the “workbase” as well as the neighbours of the surrounding residential area. The use of the working/dwelling units is laid down according to need. An internal staircase can connect up to four units. The open areas under the glazed roof make up the leisure part; they offer room for green spaces, fitness landscape and a place for children.
The site is situated on the promontory "Java Island" in Amsterdam's former harbour, which is now mainly a residential area. A central path, which connects all units, leads through the whole building. This path continues the existing footpath and leads to the ending point of the promontory.
The climax concept is environment orientated: In winter the solar gain is collected under the glass skin of the roof, which reduces the need of energy in the inner building parts. In summer the inner space is cooled by natural ventilation. Overheating is prevented through special glazing ("okalux – capillary-glazing") and sun protection through photovoltaic elements.
Because of the soft ground in this area a pile foundation is essential. This is used to gain natural energy from the earth for heating and cooling. So called "Energy piles" work as a heat-exchange-system.
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