Daniel Gürich
The inner green belt in Cologne. FH Aachen (Germany)
A concept of urban development is presented for a special area in the highly demanded south of Cologne.
The area is located at the street Eifelwall crossed by the highway “Luxemburger Strasse“. It discontinues the green belt of the park landscape following the innermost medieval city wall.
The concept will convert the area into a site of living and working in combination with free space for recreation.
As a special challenge the concept has to regard the unequal buildings surrounding the area. To moderate this mismatch the concept arranges along the Eifelwall a row of five-storey residential buildings, which will take up the construction edges of the counterpart across the street. The residential buildings are concatenated by small courtyards, which will provide ease and privacy to the residents.
Storey-high sliding elements made of frosted glass can be shifted over windows and loggias to allow privacy. With this solution it would be possible to provide comfort and disentangle private and public interests.
A line of office buildings is planned in the southern part of the area.
Within the ensemble of buildings of medium height, the three towers have to mediate between the planning area and the existing 25-storey building. The offices should accommodate high-quality commercial use.
An important part of the concept is the intention to prolong the green belt into the planning area. Therefore an amply part between the residential buildings and the office buildings is kept free by any constructions, in order to create an attractive continuous foot and wheel path from the “Aachener Weiher” to the “Volksgarten”.
To accentuate the impression of an integrated ensemble, the towers extend into the park area, which narrows the green belt and prepares to its crossing under the railway bridge.
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