Davy Franssens
SCHOOL STL - SHARE TO LEARN. PHL Diepenbeek (Belgium)
The task, a design of a new school campus is situated in a brand new area, situated near the city centre of Beringen. I have abstracted a movement, a curve out of the urban context. Once as a gesture out of the historical city to the new urban place. Secondly as an impulse of contemporary architecture to the city centre in the diverse direction.
That movement is locally broken into two curves. Out of the pedagogical concept came the functions of the curves. The idea is to change the separation of de secondary school of ASO, TSO, BSO and study skills in two domains theory, practice and the fields of interests: science, languages, economy and marketing, social sciences-healthcare-human sciences, a.k.a. the typology of the school of fields. Concluding in a less stigmatic education standing for more respect/tolerance, meeting and interaction between the different fields of interests and the pupils.
At first sight the curves seems to be linear, but in fact they’re the vertical projection of a palimpsest. Each field of interest includes theoretical and a practical aspects. By the interaction between the different fields, there grows a interaction between the theory and practice of the different fields.
On micro scale we look at the movement of the pupils. Characteristic of school is that everything goes collectively. The pupils go together to the class, to the playground, to the eating room. All controlled by the bell.
When these movements should be registered you’ll become fluxlines, a play of routes and knots. This conceptual story will be translated in a play of open versus mass, in the elevations as well as intern. Intern are the classrooms pragmatically arranged behind the organic wall. This curve, a massive skin has a double function, including individually and group workplaces.
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