Dimitry Brisy
CI + CA_Pompéi. ISA St-Luc Liège (Belgium)
IC + RC_Pompei
Creation of a reception center (RC) and an interpretation center (IC) to encounter the needs of a touristic attendance which is increasingly growing up.
1-Strategy : creation of an intermodal crossroads.
Not far from the motorway, the train and RER crossroads, near a national road, and the landscaped belt which surrounds the old fortress of Pompei, the master plan consists of creating a train station and parkings, and reorganize the access to the motorway and to the RC and IC.
The aim is double. On the one hand, the centralization of the tickets sale, and on the other hand, the tourists canalization towards the interpretation center to make them aware of the fantastic history of Pompei, from the start of their visit.
2-Space, shape, materials, colour, structure.
Charcoal grey concrete blocks remain the lava color which burried Pompei. These blocks bear a gigantic fushia volume representing the manadgment building. The link between the volume and the bearing concrete blocks have to make the tourists feel an impression of oppression and crushing.
Actually, the aim of the scenography is to juxtapose the different feelings by means of space, in order to give the tourists feelings, like fear and suffering which were most probably felt by the population of Pompei at the moment of the volcano eruption. For example : in the IC, after the eruption theme, the visitor suddenly stands below a narrow seven meter high light well identical to the lava coat which recovered Pompei.
3-Relation with the intervention area.
From the IC exit, the tourist arrives directly on a public place in front of the Pompei ruins. Then he can get back to these ruins by a pedestrian path which goes through the different parks and allows the access to the surrounding wall doors as well.
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