Emelyne Delchambre & Isalyne Dries
Pôle multifonctionnel. ULG Liège (Belgium).
Our project began at the dead end of Spa-Géronstère station, representing the dead end of an entire territory. This area is that of the Hoëgne which, at the beginning of the last century, was still irrigated by a vicinal network, which was dismembered in the 1950s: the line 578. This line, which at the time linked Spa to Verviers, and passed through smaller hamlets such as Tiège, Polleur and Heusy, was the area on which we set our intentions.
Our first goal was to re-establish public transport and strengthen the sustainable mobility network, to serve more homes and restore the connextions of the past. With the aim of creating new proximity and a multifunctional territory, other layers can be added on to this structure to construct a complex and diversified territorial framework. Our focus has been on the food economy, with crops accounting for 52% of Wallonia's territory. We focused mainly on the following chain: production, processing, selling, cooking, eating, .... In other words, from farm to fork. The shortcomings in this region were immediately apparent : processing is outsourced and there are few local sales outlets, which implies that there is a disconnect between the consumers and the food-producing region that surrounds them.
The village of Polleur served as a prototype for our multifunctional division. The aim has been to reconnect the village with the nourishing land that surrounds it. One of the 3 developed typologies : included and inclusive businesses. Based on the traces of the old industrial sheds, these small businesses guide the eye and the trajectory towards the nourishing soil of the hillside. Like a comb, the products of the land percolate towards the heart of the village through these processing businesses. Connected to the platform, the tram collects processed food products for distribution the region.
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