Florian Heuse
The Twister Tower. ULG Liège (Belgium)
The Twister Tower is fully part of an innovative project in response to the call of ideas launched by the City of Bordeaux in order to restore its city stadium. With the vicinity of the university hospital complex, the memory linked to the place and the city attachment feeling created by a sports stadium, the project unites in one thought body and spirit. In order to achieve this, various facilities are joined together on the site such as a museum, art studios, sports fields, a training and leisure park, theme housing, restaurants and pubs activities. Two big height buildings are erected on the site of the small stands to symbolize body and spirit. From sport and art linked to them has stemmed the conception of a dance school which is a field of activity that blends power and poetry. Thus, thanks to its central position on the site, its function and its meaning the Twister Tower has become a symbolic token of a city scale project.
The dance school of the Chaban-Delmas Stadium not only fits in for the best with the project which brings it about, but it also works towards the good development of this project. On one hand it takes advantage of the various existing sports activities on the site and thus completes the available trainings. On the other hand the presence of a training project on this place contributes to the life of all the existing functions. Furthermore, the architecture created in harmony with the function gathers together in the same structure balance and imbalance, strength and flexibility, soaring up and rigidity. Through its functions and figure the Twister Tower fits into the soul of a global project which contributes to revive a place where spirit and body have always clashed and which are united forever.
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