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Fred Greve

Honourable mention
Academie van Bouwkunst (The Netherlands)

GUILLEMINS, A DISTRICT IN TRANSITION. Academie voor Bouwkunst (The Netherlands) 

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In Liège (B) one is at present in abundance busy with the construction of a TGV-station to the winning design of santiago Calatrava. The revaluation of the existing trainstation to a TGV-station hast to give the capital of the Walloon province an economic push.
Together with the construction of the station also comes a redevelopment of the adjacent district 'Guillemins’ as a preparation to the massive pour of people and companies who will use the high speed connections to London, Paris and Berlin. A lot of the current occupants of 'Guillemins' will have to make space for the new offices, apartment complexes and shops. The completion of this master plan will confiscate from 10 up to 15 years. The question this graduationproject concerns itself with, is how does the city of Liège deal with the ‘Guillemins’ district in the intervening period? An area in transition!
At present it seems that the city of Liège chooses to let the district bleed to death, so as to start with a clean slate. This becomes aspecially clear from the fact that for example a characteristic component of the district, the red lightdistrict 'rue Varin' has to disappear, but this also becomes clear from the master plan that apparently does not anticipate on characteristic existing urbanplanning situations.


The project of Fred Greve suggests to give the district of ‘Guillemins’ an interim interpretation. Between now and the completion of the master plan, by means of temporary interventions; with, by and fór the occupants of the district.

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