Party of Life Bij Schunck

Party of Life bij SCHUNCK

Foto: Dani Silvia

SCHUNCK, together with several parties from Heerlen, organises Party of Life on 20 May at 7:00 p.m. An evening for young people inspired by the style and work of Keith Haring. 

Party of Life is organised in collaboration with city partners such as Outpoet, Driver's Seat, HFC, 220 VOLT, 6400 NAGI and The Society. The full evening programme is entirely focused on young people. There will be live music, a DJ, a photo exhibition, breakdance, live painting and the Keith Haring-inspired clothing designs of 220 VOLT and 6400 NAGI will be presented.

There is much to see, but most importantly, much to do. For instance, the designers will make live screen prints and show what the design process is like. People can paint along and visitors are encouraged by the DJ to bring their own vinyl. The name refers to Keith Haring's work Party of Life. Haring's illustration was used as a ticket to attend his Party of Life exhibition in 1985. Party of Life will conclude at 9.30pm with the HFC 10 Years Jam on Pancratius Square, as part of the NK Breakdance.

Driver's Seat and In2YourPlace

At the same time as Party of Life, just a stone's throw away, at the new youth centre Outpoet, the mural that participants of In2YourPlace have been working on for the past seven weeks, in collaboration with SCHUNCK, will be on display. In small groups, they worked together on a mural in the style of Keith Haring, as part of this cultural youth project.

PA-NY-HRL party of life

Programme - 7:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.

  • Merch from 220 VOLT and 6400 NAGI
  • DJ - Dreyaz
  • Performance Ellmatic & Look a Star
  • Raising Grounds - Performance: Saint Pierre & Vee
  • Stand up dancers HFC
  • B-Boys and B-Girls of the Inbreakers HFC
  • Performance: Het Belangrijke Genootschap Met Een Nog Onduidelijke En Steeds Wisselende Maar Immer Literaire Inhoud (HBGMENOESWMILI)
  • Facepainting
  • Photo exhibition de Vrolijkheid
  • Nieuwe Helden 045
  • Hip-hop guided tour
  • Live painting
  • Performance - Sophia Pattikayhatu