SCHUNCK In-house Rules and Regulations
- Instructions issued by staff must be followed at all times.
SCHUNCK employees are authorised to ask for the reason of your presence, to issue instructions and to remove you from the building.
- Disruptive behaviour, verbal intimidation and physical violence shall not be tolerated.
Inappropriate behaviour towards staff and (other) visitors to SCHUNCK shall not be tolerated. This includes behaviour which can be perceived by others as disruptive or provocative. The attendants and/or employees are authorised to deny entry to the building after a warning.
- In the event of vandalism or theft, we shall call in the police.
Vandalism to or loss of SCHUNCK property or that of (other) visitors is a criminal offence. Any ensuing damage shall be recovered from the perpetrator. Theft shall be reported to the police at all times. It is not permitted to remove books and other materials without registering these. In the interests of general safety, in case of doubt, visitors can be requested to undergo a body search and/or have any (hand) bags they are carrying inspected.
- Do not leave any belongings unattended.
SCHUNCK cannot be held liable for any loss, theft or damage of belongings of visitors.
- Dogs and other pets are not allowed.
This is with the exception of guide dogs and other assistance dogs.
- Smoking and the use of alcohol and drugs are not permitted, neither is dealing in goods of whatever nature.
- Camera surveillance is in place.
Camera surveillance is carried out at several locations, images from which are registered and stored for a limited period.
- Rules apply to the use of internet.
The use of internet at SCHUNCK is subject to a number of rules. You can read these rules after logging in to a SCHUNCK internet computer or ask at the information desk.
- Food and drink.
It is not permitted to eat or drink in the museum and exhibition spaces. Food and drink, with the exception of hot meals, may be consumed in other spaces.
- Dangerous objects or substances.
Any objects or substances which, in the opinion of a SCHUNCK employee, are deemed hazardous are not permitted and must not be taken into any SCHUNCK building.
- Rules for museum and exhibition spaces.
It is not permitted to touch (art) exhibits on display, unless explicit permission has been given to do so. Parents/teachers/guides are required to ensure that objects on display are not touched by minors under their supervision.
Small children must be held by the hand or transported in a buggy. Children under the age of 12 years are only permitted to enter the museum space with the supervision of an adult.
In the exhibition spaces, photographs may only be taken for personal use. The use of flash, selfie sticks and tripods is not permitted. If the format of your camera presents a danger for the objects or hinders other visitors, you may be asked to put your camera in storage.
- You can use lockers to store your belongings.
Use of lockers is at your own risk. SCHUNCK cannot be held liable for any loss, theft or damage of your belongings. We open the lockers at the end of every day. Any belongings left behind will be stored for a maximum of one week and then passed on to the municipality of Heerlen’s lost and found office. It is not permitted to store illegal materials in the lockers. If we find any illegal substances, we shall report this and pass these on to the police.
- Entry can be denied to buildings.
A ban can be imposed for misconduct. This means denial of entry to our buildings. If necessary this ban shall be enforced by calling in the police. In addition, depending on the type of misconduct, criminal acts shall be reported to the police.
- Publicity.
For the purposes of publicity, SCHUNCK makes use of film and photographic images of activities and events. You may well be photographed without your consent. Please report this to us so that we can take due consideration of this.