Sponsoring and partnerships
The exhibition is a collaboration with The Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh, and is made possible by partners and sponsors.
The exhibition Andy Warhol: Vanitas is made possible by:
- Municipality of Heerlen
- Blockbusterfonds
- VSBfonds
- The Andy Warhol Museum
- Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie
- Mondriaan Fonds
- Het Cultuurfonds, thanks in part to the Straver Fund.
- Stichting Rosas Donamus
- Provincie Limburg
- Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed
- Fonds 21
- Ondernemersfonds Heerlen
- Stichting FSI
Sponsorship opportunities
You can support SCHUNCK Museum by sponsoring, for example, an exhibition or a component of the educational program. By associating your company name with SCHUNCK, you invest in talent development in Heerlen and the enhancement of the Parkstad region. Sponsorship always means a collaboration where both parties benefit. For instance, we can include your company name in our communication materials or organize special events at the iconic Glaspaleis for your network. Additionally, as SCHUNCK is a cultural ANBI (Public Benefit Organization), it is exempt from gift and inheritance taxes, so your donation will fully benefit the arts.
For more information on opportunities, please contact Chrisje Engels, Manager Sponsoring & Sales, at 06-42233141 or chris.engels@schunck.nl.