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Bezoeker bij Vera Gulikers - If then is now in SCHUNCK Glaspaleis (2020). Fotografie: Dani Silvia.

Talent development, social issues and education are the foundation of SCHUNCK's activities. Parkstad is a region full of talent, opportunities and challenges that require attention and energy. SCHUNCK cooperates with various subsidisers and corporate sponsors to realise all its ambitions.


SCHUNCK receives various project-related grants from funds:

Gemeente Heerlen / Provincie Limburg / Stimuleringsfonds voor de Creatieve industrie / VSB Fonds / Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie / Huis voor de Kunsten Limburg / M2015 / Mondriaanfonds / Nederlands Letterenfonds / Prins Bernard Cultuurfonds / Fonds21 / Stichting DOEN / Koninklijke Bibliotheek / Koninklijke Boudewijn Stichting / PBC / Rotary Club Land van Rode.


SCHUNCK is at the centre of the Heerlen community and even wider, the Parkstad region. This region deserves to be inspired by new perspectives and has everything to touch Limburg, the Netherlands, the world. SCHUNCK stands for realising this. By linking your company name to SCHUNCK, you too are investing in talent development and improving the region.

SCHUNCK offers various options for cultural sponsorship. Sponsoring always means a cooperation from which both parties benefit. We are happy to discuss the form of cultural sponsoring that suits you best. SCHUNCK provides appropriate quid pro quos. We can include your company name in our means of communication or organise special receptions in the SCHUNCK Glaspaleis for your network. Read more > 

Cultural ANBI

As of 1 January 2016, SCHUNCK is a foundation designated by the tax authorities as a cultural ANBI (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling). This provides a tax advantage for both individuals and companies regarding donations. SCHUNCK is exempted from gift tax and inheritance tax, so your donation is entirely for the benefit of culture. Read more > 

Cooperation partners

SCHUNCK is a member of the VERY CONTEMPORARY network. A network of fourteen contemporary art institutes in the Meuse-Rhine Euregion. Together, we aim to raise awareness of what the region has to offer in terms of visual art.

Bonnefantenmuseum Maastricht / Bureau Europa Maastricht / Ciap Hasselt / De Domijnen Sittard / Espace 251 Nord Liege / ikob Eupen / La Châtaigneraie Flémalle / Leopold-Hoeschmuseum Düren / Ludwig Forum Aachen / Marres Maastricht / NAK Aachen / Van Eyck / SCHUNCK Glaspaleis Heerlen / Z33 Hasselt.


If you have any questions or would like to know more about the possibilities for cooperation, please contact SCHUNCK Marketing and Communication Department at communicatie@schunck.nl or 045 577 22 00.