SCHUNCK Glaspaleis Pancratiusplein staand


Credits: Anne Jannes Photography
SCHUNCK is a museum for contemporary modern art and architecture in Heerlen. The museum offers in and from the monumental Glaspaleis a rich offer of exhibitions, lectures, debates and special projects.

This is done from three sources of power: contemporary visual art, architecture and the SCHUNCK Collection of modern and contemporary art. The result is a varied and bold program for experience and inspiration; a place for innovation, experimentation and imaging.

Our substantive focus is on urban experience. This is rooted in the architecture and art of the 21st century, and in cultural heritage that is decisive for the construction and preservation of the Glaspaleis: modernism and avant-garde during the heyday of Dutch mining. The SCHUNCK Collection, formerly the municipal collection of Stadsgalerij Heerlen, occupies a central place here. The outcome of seventy years of uninterrupted collecting offers a mirror of our cultural heritage, both inside and outside the mining region.

The museum does not have space for a permanent display of works from the collection, but some of the works can be seen with some regularity in one of our presentation rooms, such as the Art Depot

Check our calendar for current exhibitions.