Linda Duits Schunck

Talk by Linda Duits: Andy Warhol Wasn’t Cool

In this lecture - right in the middle of the museum gallery! - social scientist Linda Duits examines the life and work of the Pope of Pop through a gender lens. How cool was he, really?


SCHUNCK Glaspaleis



Andy Warhol surrounded himself with women, both in his famous entourage at The Factory and in his works. He portrayed many well-known women, such as Marilyn Monroe, Jackie Kennedy, and our then-Queen Beatrix, as well as marginalized women like drag queens and trans women. Warhol turned them into icons, stripping away some of their individuality and humanity. Furthermore, he often depicted his models without consultation or permission. In this lecture, 'Andy Warhol Wasn't Cool: On Icons, Muses, and Real Women', social scientist Linda Duits examines the life and work of the Pope of Pop through a gender lens. How cool was he, really?

Linda Duits Over Andy Warhol

About Linda Duits

Linda Duits is a social scientist specializing in popular culture, particularly in the fields of gender and sexuality. She teaches at the University of Amsterdam (Media & Culture) and is a researcher affiliated with the Institute for Cultural Research at Utrecht University. Duits hosts the podcasts Onder Mediadoctoren (or: In the Company of Media Doctors) and regularly publishes in media outlets such as Het Parool and NRC Handelsblad. She has authored several books, including Eindelijk weten wat seks is (or: Finally Knowing What Sex Is) and Dolle mythes: feminisme toen en nu (or: Crazy Myths: Feminism Then and Now). Currently, she is working on a new book about pleasure.

Please note: this talk will take place in the museum gallery — right among the artworks of Andy Warhol. No additional museum ticket is required. It’s a unique opportunity to see and hear more about the artist!