In collaboration with Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie, Peter Veenstra (LOLA Landscape Architects) and Selvatico (Heerlen Rooftop Project), SCHUNCK is presenting the ‘Inspirational Session’ Bouwen vanuit de Bodem (Building from the bottom up).
SCHUNCK Glaspaleis
As part of this session, an open call is being put out to all those engaged in above-ground (sub-)urban developments, but who at the same time are working on the future-proof qualities of the ground below. The premise is that urban development which fails to take the ground underneath seriously is no longer credible. A vibrant sub-surface is essential for a future-proof approach to issues of urbanisation.
To this end, Peter Veenstra of LOLA Landscape Architects and Selvatico (Heerlen Rooftop Project), have been invited to present an ‘Inspirational Session’ on this theme on 30 June.
As part of this session, the open call for Bouwen vanuit de Bodem (‘Building from the bottom up’) will be elaborated on by Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie. This grant-making scheme enables designers, governments, organisations, experts and citizens to work together on ideas to restore the relationship between what happens below and above the ground.
Afterwards - together with SCHUNCK, partners and citizens - everyone is warmly invited to raise a glass at the official opening of the Heerlen Rooftop Project, on the top deck of the Q-Park car park at Putgraaf in the centre of Heerlen.
Spatial planners (landscape, architecture, urban planning), stakeholders (e.g. local government, water boards, landowners, urban developers), experts (such as property specialists, water and soil experts) and residents.
The programme starts at 3:00 p.m. in the auditorium at SCHUNCK, open from 2:30 p.m. onwards. The programme will relocate to the roof of the Q-Park car park in Putgraaf.