Orange Architects: Patrick Meijers ©Marvin Heus SCHUNCK

Peutz Lecture: Patrick Meijers on 'Heerlen Revisited'

Credits: Marvin Heus

Sustainability, neighborhood cohesion and updated housing concepts.


Royal, Heerlen


€ 10,-

The Vrienden van SCHUNCK (or 'Friends of SCHUNCK') present as speaker for the 19th Peutz Lecture the Heerlen-raised Architect Patrick Meijers (1971).

Residential building 'Jonas' of Orange Architects on IJburg in Amsterdam was named BNA Best Building of the Year 2023. It combines sustainability (BREEAM-outstanding), innovative housing concepts and social cohesion for the neighborhood. Patrick Meijers' expertise, commitment and passion, as well as his recent involvement in the Heerlen debate, make him an extremely engaging speaker in the Peutz lecture series.

Woongebouw Jonas Amsterdam. Patrick Meijers, Orange Architects Jonas ©sebastian Van Damme SCHUNCK

Jonas residential building Amsterdam. Orange Architects Jonas ©Sebastian Van Damme

In 1974, the period of the mine closures, Meijers' parents settled in Heerlen, where he lived until he was 18. He then moved to Eindhoven University of Technology for his studies in Architecture and Urban Planning, but the connection with Heerlen remained because his parents lived in Heerlen until recently. His graduation project won him a competition and an honorable mention for the Archiprix in 1998.

After his studies, he founded an office for 3D visualizations and an architecture firm in Rotterdam with which he won several awards.

In 2010, also in Rotterdam, together with associate Jeroen Schipper, he started Orange Architects. With Orange Architects, Patrick Meijers works on a broad portfolio of conceptual and sustainable projects, both nationally and internationally. He is a member of the Ukraine Netherlands Urban Network, and lectures nationally and internationally.

Woongebouw Jonas Amsterdam. Patrick Meijers, Orange Architects Jonas ©sebastian Van Damme SCHUNCK

Jonas residential building Amsterdam. Patrick Meijers, Orange Architects Jonas ©Sebastian Van Damme

02 Orange Architects Jonas ©Sebastian Van Damme SCHUNCK

Detail Jonas residential building Jonas Amsterdam. Patrick Meijer Orange Architects ©Sebastian Van Damme

Image credits: header ©Marvin Heus, residential building Jonas ©Sebastian van Damme