Eap Uitreiking

31st Euregional Architecture Prize awarded

On 19 December, the Euregional Architecture Prize was awarded for the 31st time. First prize went to Chiara Erhardt and Luca Steinert from RWTH Aachen with the project 'ritrova.riesi'.  

The EAP is an initiative of SCHUNCK and is awarded annually for the best graduation project of the five architecture faculties in Hasselt, Liège, Maastricht and Aachen. Like last year, the award ceremony took place online, due to the coronagraph rules in force. The jury of this 31st edition consisted of Thomas Schaplik (chairman of the jury), Jeroen Geurst, Luise Kister, Paolo Ruaro and Livia de Bethune.

First prize for ritrova.riesi

First prize (€2,500) went to Chiara Erhardt and Luca Steinert (RWTH Aachen) with the project 'ritrova.riesi'. Riesi (Sicily) is one of the places in Italy facing high emigration and vacancy rates. Erhardt and Steiner investigated how an architectural strategy could help in this regard. The jury praised the project for its sensitivity to locality. "By finding new cultural functions for existing, abandoned buildings, the project aims to strengthen the city centre and public life. Reusing and rethinking existing city structures is an interesting and necessary theme, which made sense in the context of Riesi," the jury said.

Uitzicht over verlaten gebouwen stadscentrum van Riesi.

Ritrova Riesi door Chiara Erhardt en Luca Steinert

The second prize (€1,250) went to Pauline Borremans (UHasselt) for her project 'Recharging Flanders' water battery'.  Simone von Grotthuss (RWTH Aachen) won the third prize (€500) for her project 'Observatory and Hostelry'.

On the project page, you can find more information about this year's 30 selected, best graduation projects, including English-language jury report, video and project analysis.