Eap'19 Pascal Moors 7

Meet our nominees/ EAP 2021

The Euregional Prize for Architecture is awarded each year to the best final-year project from the five schools of architecture which are based in the tri-national Euregion Meuse-Rhine.

From the total of 30 pre-selected final-year projects (out of an average of 400 per year), six candidates have been nominated. 

Meet the six EAP 2021 nominees:

Pauline Borremans

Recharging Flanders' waterbattery - UHasselt (Belgium)

The effects of climate warming are increasingly visible in the Flemish landscape. Despite an increase in the annual average precipitation, Flanders is experiencing dehydration of the subsurface. There is an urgent need for a large-scale landscape vision to guarantee the local extraction of drinking water in the future. A strategic location to partially solve the water problem is in De Wijers. This is a seepage area on the edge of the Campine Plateau where the marshlands are rapidly being drained to develop the land.

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Felix Andreas Kaiser

Gut Hohenfinow. - RWTH Aachen (Germany)

„Hohenfinow on the edge of the Barnim - a small village with a great history, which, however, is not apparent at first glance.„ - August Trinius 1884

These words were written by a visitor of the village Hohenfinow in 1884. The astonishing thing is that this statement seems to be just as accurate in 2020 as it was back then. Hohenfinow is a rural place one hour northeast of Berlin. It is located near the geological formation Niederoderbruch, a scenic area of meadows, forests and fields. In the north of the village there is a large estate which is the subject of the present work.

EAP31 2021 Felix Kaiser

Twan Hermans

FŏVE. - AAM (The Netherlands)

In this day and age, it is important that we cherish (Fŏve) history. The settlement called Coriovallum (Roman Heerlen) was founded at the crossing of two important Roman roads, Via Trajana and Via Belgica. Over the years various remnants from the Roman era have been excavated in Heerlen. The most important is the ruin of a 2000-year-old Roman bathhouse, which is the oldest ancient stone building of the Netherlands to this day.

EAP31 2021 Twan Hermans

Chiara Erhardt & Luca Steinert

ritrova.riesi. - RWTH Aachen (Germany)

Known for its former sulfur mining industry, today Riesi (Sicily) is one of the places in Italy experiencing a high level of emigration and facing vacancies. Thus, from about 20,400 inhabitants in 1930, about 10,000 inhabitants are registered in the town in 2020. After two years of research in Riesi, we formulated our central question in 2020: What contribution can architecture offer as a component for possible action strategies for a shrinking city?

Uitzicht over verlaten gebouwen stadscentrum van Riesi.

Ritrova Riesi door Chiara Erhardt en Luca Steinert

Maximiliane Sattler

A rowing club in Venice. - RWTH Aachen (Germany)

Venetian rowing - Voga veneta - is inextricably linked to the history of Venice. Already in the 5th century, when the first parts of the lagoon were settled, the Voga veneta became an essential part of the urban development. Due to conquests of the surrounding settlements, many locals fled into the lagoon in boats to find shelter.

EAP31 2021 Maximiliane Sattler

Simone von Grotthuss

Observatory and Hostelry. - RWTH Aachen (Germany)

The darkness of night turned into a rare phenomenon. Growing cities and the careless use of light made the dark spots on earth become smaller or even disappear completely.

Although the view to the starry sky always was a lasting experience for everyone. Now just like thousands of years ago. Observatories keep the awareness for this cultural heritage alive. Here, everyone is encouraged to question everyday perception and emerge into a world of images and reflections.
